WoW Classic: Season of Discovery Phase 2 - Hunter Leveling & Runecloth Farming Ultimate Guide

Embark on an exhilarating journey in WoW Classic's Season of Discovery Phase 2 as a Hunter! This guide is designed to provide Hunters with the most effective strategies for efficient leveling and successful Runecloth farming. Whether you're a master of beast mastery, marksmanship, or survival, this guide will be your companion through the wilds of Azeroth.

Section 1: Maximizing Hunter LevelingLeveling as a Hunter in WoW Classic offers a unique and rewarding experience. Here's how to make the most of it:

  • 1.1 Gear Priorities: Focus on gear that boosts agility and stamina. Your primary aim is to enhance your ranged attack power and survivability.
  • 1.2 Efficient Questing: Target quests that provide the best experience and gear suitable for Hunters. Areas like Un'Goro Crater and Felwood offer profitable quests for Hunters.
  • 1.3 Grinding Locations: Select areas where you can leverage your range and pet. The Tyr's Hand in Eastern Plaguelands can be an excellent spot for solo grinding.
  • 1.4 Dungeon Runs: Dungeons are not only great for leveling but also for acquiring specialized gear. Instances like Maraudon and Zul'Farrak are recommended.

Section 2: Runecloth Farming Strategies for HuntersRunecloth is a valuable resource in WoW Classic, particularly for crafting and reputation building.

  • 2.1 Best Farming Spots: Look for areas dense with humanoid mobs. Good spots for Hunters include Dire Maul East and Lower Blackrock Spire.
  • 2.2 Hunter Farming Tactics: Utilize your pet to tank mobs while you use your ranged skills. Kiting and trapping techniques can also be highly effective.
  • 2.3 Managing Pet Aggro: Ensure your pet maintains aggro to optimize your damage output and minimize downtime.
  • 2.4 Inventory Management: Adequate bag space is crucial. Regularly sell unnecessary items to keep your inventory clear for more Runecloth.

Conclusion:With these strategies, your Hunter is all set to thrive in WoW Classic: Season of Discovery Phase 2. The combination of effective leveling, strategic farming, and skillful gameplay will pave your path to greatness in the world of Azeroth!