WoW Classic Season of Discovery: Rune Tier List - Best Runes for Each Class

In the Season of Discovery of World of Warcraft Classic, selecting the right runes for your class can significantly enhance your gameplay experience. This guide offers a comprehensive tier list of the best runes for each class, helping players to maximize their potential in both PvE and PvP settings.

Understanding Runes

Runes in WoW Classic are special items that enhance abilities, stats, or provide unique effects. Choosing the right rune for your class and playstyle is crucial for optimizing performance.

Tier List Breakdown

Our tier list categorizes runes based on their effectiveness for each class. Here's a look at the top choices:

S-Tier: The Elite Runes

  • Mage (Arcane Power Rune): Boosts spell damage significantly, ideal for burst phases.
  • Warrior (Rune of the Berserker): Increases critical strike and attack speed, perfect for DPS warriors.
  • Rogue (Rune of Agility): Enhances agility and critical strike, essential for maximizing damage output.

A-Tier: Highly Effective and Versatile

  • Priest (Rune of Divine Light): Increases healing effectiveness, a must-have for healers.
  • Warlock (Rune of Shadow): Boosts shadow damage, enhancing the overall DPS.
  • Druid (Rune of Nature's Touch): Benefits both healing and balance specs with increased healing and nature damage.

B-Tier: Solid Choices for Specific Situations

  • Paladin (Rune of Holy Might): Enhances holy damage and healing, versatile for various paladin specs.
  • Hunter (Rune of the Marksman): Increases ranged attack power, ideal for marksmanship hunters.
  • Shaman (Rune of Elemental Force): Boosts elemental damage, great for elemental shamans.

C-Tier: Situational and Niche Runes

  • Priest (Rune of Shadow Resistance): Offers shadow resistance, useful in specific encounters.
  • Druid (Rune of the Wild): Enhances versatility but lacks the specialization of higher-tier runes.

Choosing the Right Rune

Selecting the best rune depends on your class, spec, and the specific requirements of the encounters you face. Experimenting with different runes and understanding their effects in various situations is key to mastering your class.


In WoW Classic's Season of Discovery, the right rune can be the difference between victory and defeat. This tier list should serve as a guide to help you choose the most effective runes for your class. Remember, the best choice always aligns with your playstyle and the challenges you face in Azeroth.