WoW Classic: Season of Discovery Phase 2 - Priest Leveling & Runecloth Farming Essential Guide

Dive into the mystical world of Priests in WoW Classic's Season of Discovery Phase 2. This guide is designed to provide Priests with the best strategies for efficient leveling and effective Runecloth farming. Whether you're a healing expert or a shadow damage dealer, these tips will enhance your gameplay experience.

Section 1: Leveling Your PriestLeveling a Priest in Phase 2 can be a unique experience, balancing between healing, support, and damage dealing. Here’s how to do it efficiently:

  • 1.1 Gear Focus: Opt for gear that enhances your primary role - healing or shadow damage. Focus on stats like intellect, spirit, and, for shadow priests, spell damage.
  • 1.2 Questing Strategy: Complete quests that are efficient in terms of experience and offer gear upgrades for your Priest. Areas like Plaguelands offer many quests suitable for Priests.
  • 1.3 Grinding Spots: Choose areas where you can handle multiple mobs with your AoE (Area of Effect) and DoT (Damage over Time) abilities. Locations like the undead zones in Eastern Plaguelands are ideal.
  • 1.4 Dungeon Participation: Engage in dungeons for better gear and experience. Dungeons like Stratholme and Scholomance are great for Priest gear and experience.

Section 2: Mastering Runecloth Farming as a PriestRunecloth is crucial for crafting and reputation. As a Priest, you have unique advantages in farming it.

  • 2.1 Best Farming Locations: Look for areas with a high density of humanoid mobs. The Lower Blackrock Spire and Dire Maul are excellent choices for Priests.
  • 2.2 Skill Utilization: Leverage your Shadow or Holy spells to efficiently deal with mobs. Mind Flay and Holy Nova are particularly effective.
  • 2.3 Sustain and Survive: Use your healing and shielding abilities to maintain longevity in farming sessions.
  • 2.4 Inventory Management: Ensure enough bag space for extended farming sessions and use downtime to sell excess items for more efficiency.

Conclusion:With these strategies, your Priest is well-equipped to navigate the challenges of WoW Classic: Season of Discovery Phase 2. Balancing your role, optimizing your gear, and employing the right tactics in leveling and farming will pave the way to success in the world of Azeroth!