WoW Classic Season of Discovery: DPS, Healer, Tank Tier List & Rankings for P1

As the 'Season of Discovery' unfolds in World of Warcraft Classic, players are eagerly diving into Phase 1. This phase is crucial as it sets the tone for the season, and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each class can greatly enhance your gaming experience. In this guide, we'll delve into the DPS, Healer, and Tank rankings for Phase 1, providing insights to help you make the best choices for your adventures in Azeroth.

DPS Tier List

The damage per second (DPS) role is critical in any group composition. Here's how the classes stack up:

  1. S-Tier: Rogues and Mages continue to dominate with their high burst damage and utility. Rogues excel in single-target damage, while Mages offer unparalleled AoE capabilities.
  2. A-Tier: Hunters and Warlocks offer consistent damage output and bring valuable crowd control to the table.
  3. B-Tier: Fury Warriors and Shadow Priests provide a decent balance of damage and utility but may require more support from their groups.
  4. C-Tier: Retribution Paladins and Enhancement Shamans, while not as strong in raw damage, can offer unique buffs and utility options.

Healer Rankings

Healers are the backbone of any group, ensuring survival and longevity. The best healers in Phase 1 are:

  1. S-Tier: Priests, both in their Holy and Discipline specializations, offer unmatched healing throughput and versatility.
  2. A-Tier: Restoration Druids and Restoration Shamans provide strong healing and excellent support abilities.
  3. B-Tier: Paladins, with their potent single-target heals, are crucial in certain raid compositions but can struggle in others.

Tank Rankings

Tanks are vital for controlling the battlefield and keeping the team safe. Here’s how they rank:

  1. S-Tier: Warriors remain the quintessential tanks in Classic, with unmatched mitigation and threat generation.
  2. A-Tier: Feral Druids are a close second, offering flexibility and strong off-tank capabilities.
  3. B-Tier: Protection Paladins can be effective in certain situations but generally lag behind in overall performance.


Understanding these rankings and tier lists for DPS, Healers, and Tanks in WoW Classic's Season of Discovery can greatly influence your gameplay and strategic decisions. Remember, while these rankings are based on overall performance, the right class choice for you should also align with your playstyle and enjoyment. Happy adventuring in Azeroth!